Tired Chicken

We are starting a new series of paintings featuring rust. We are calling this month "August Rust". There is no better medium to create the texture of rust than watercolor. I saw this chicken at the Terry Bison Ranch. What a pose! I know you will enjoy painting it as much as I did. To get a better texture, we are going to paint it on a half sheet of watercolor paper 22" x 15". There is a video on enlarging your drawing for easy transfer on the video page of www.showcaseartcenter.com. The speed painting of this "Tired Chicken" is now up too. (video subscription required $10/month for unlimited views of 231 videos). If you come to Tuesday 2-4 PM MDT class, prepare a half sheet with your drawing. Show up as early as 1:30 to chat. Book on the class page for zoom invitation or attend in person at Showcase. (Classes $25/month for weekly sessions). Busy week. Starting Saturday and Sunday it is Arts Picnic at downtown Greeley Lincoln park. See you in booth 65. Thursday August 4 is a JR Monks landscape workshop. Register on the class page for that too. Keep those brushes wet!