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Ornamental Corn

At first glance, this looks incredibly complicated to paint. I will walk you through the steps I took to do it. It is possible and FUN! And look at the results. You will need either masking fluid or a white wax stick. I used a birthday candle. The video is up now on the video class page of ($10/month subscription for 241 choices). Type the name of the video you want to watch in the video player on the page. Come paint with me live Tuesday 2-4 PM MDT to paint "Ornamental Corn" in watercolor. Book your class on the class page to join by zoom. (classes $25/month). Paint "Ornamental Corn" in acrylic with me Wednesday 2-4 PM MDT. Freeform group painting meets 10-noon Tuesday and Wednesday. Enjoy this gorgeous fall season. Celebrate being able to share each others company to create art. You are so special to me.


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