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Finch New Year

So, we are driving home, and I see this scene. A red barn with hay newly baled. It could be a painting. I shoot a cell phone photo for a reference. When I get home, I recompose everything. The rows of cut alfalfa lead off in the wrong direction. There is no foreground. The barn is the only place that red exists. Let's do a little color study to rearrange the elements of the scene. Tomorrow is the Christmas bird count, so my mind is already thinking about birds. How about a red bird, a House Finch, to capture our attention in the foreground? Let's change the lines of the mown hay to direct the eye back to the red barn. Make sure the horizon is not directly in the middle. We need one more dose of red to make an odd number of red items. Let's set up a trail of breadcrumbs, I mean red elements, to guide the viewer across the page. More detail in front. Soft edges in the distance. Join me to paint this fun little color study by watching the video at (Subscription $10/month) Paint it at the Showcase step-by-step Tuesday or Wednesday afternoon 2:00-4:00 PM. Join live or by zoom on the class page. Group painting resumes Tuesday and Wednesday morning 10:00 AM to noon to create your own projects. (classes $25/month) Don't forget to save the dates for Watercolor LIVE January 24, 25, 26. All day watch party 9:00 AM-5:00 PM $25/day. Happy New Year 2024! Our best paintings are going to be this year!


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